We are not a simple café, but not even a coworking

We are much more.
Imagine us as an ecosystem where smart working, events and a community coexist.

our beliefs our beliefs our beliefs
our beliefs our beliefs our beliefs

Work-life balance

Those who choose flexible working seek, first of all, a better balance between work and private life. Working remotely is a lifestyle and managing emotions and stress is essential to respect ourselves and the people we interact with.

At BURŌ we believe in the unity of mind, body and spirit and we support the importance of maintaining a good psychophysical balance to stay healthy.

Two people with an idea met

BURŌ is the culmination of a journey that began several years ago.

Over the years it has undergone several transformations and faced various rethinks, but it is a project that we have never abandoned, despite everything.

It was 2014 and it didn’t take us long to understand that we wanted to create this project together. Different experiences, different skills, but one great goal: to create a meeting place where you can feel good, drink excellent coffee and meet like-minded people.

BURŌ is that place, and every time someone chooses to enter, everything magically becomes perfect.

Two people with an idea met

BURŌ is the culmination of a journey that began several years ago.

Over the years it has undergone several transformations and faced various rethinks, but it is a project that we have never abandoned, despite everything.

It was 2014 and it didn’t take us long to understand that we wanted to create this project together. Different experiences, different skills, but one great goal: to create a meeting place where you can feel good, drink excellent coffee and meet like-minded people.

BURŌ is that place, and every time someone chooses to enter, everything magically becomes perfect.

our mission our mission our mission
our mission our mission our mission

Build your reality

The ecosystem in which we live and grow strongly influences our way of thinking and acting. Being aware of it is what distinguishes those who are victims of their own life and those who choose it.

Surrounding ourselves with people similar to us and frequenting stimulating contexts is essential to create the best conditions in which to evolve.

BURŌ is an ecosystem in which to create the ideal conditions so that our mind, our thoughts and our actions all go in the same direction and push us to become what we want.

Work with us with daily passes

A few hours, half a day or full day